Elizabeth O’Connor Directs Bloody Wedding at Peking University
At the invitation of the School of Foreign Languages, Ms. Elizabeth O’Connor, director and literary manager of The Court Theatre in Christchurch, New Zealand, has been working at the Peking University Institute of World Theatre and Film since September, 2011, as the director of Bloody Wedding, a play by the Spanish playwright Federico Garcia Lorca. The performance of the plays is part of the course “Western Drama and Literature” at Peking University.
Elizabeth O’Connor has worked in theatre for over thirty years, as a director, playwright, actor, and dramaturg. She is the Literary Manager of The Court Theatre in Christchurch, New Zealand. The Court Theatre, the largest theatre company in New Zealand, suffered destruction during the earthquakes of 2010 and 2011 but the company has built a new theatre, opening shortly.
She also works with actors with intellectual disabilities, and with young writers (ages 8 to 18). She enjoys the variety of her working and teaching life, and has been lucky enough to direct many of the plays she most loves, including The Tempest and Twelfth Night (by Shakespeare), Fen by Caryl Churchill, The Trojan Women by Euripides and Blood Wedding by Lorca. She has appeared as an actor in New Zealand television series, and has written stage and radio plays for children and adults.
Bloody Wedding by the Spanish playwright Federico Garcia Lorca, is based on a story he read about in a newspaper and turned into a classic drama. A new land owner, the son of a family which has survived a feud, is about to marry. However, his bride has had a heart-felt, seven-year-long relationship with another young man named Leonardo, who now is married and has one child and another on the way. The town's people decide to be silent about this past affair, but can the two lovers? On the wedding day and night, the families come to conflict and resolution.

Bloody Wedding will be put on stage from December 22 to 25, 2011 at Penghao Theater, Beijing.
Staff Introduction/主创人员简介
Federico Garcia Lorca (Spain)/加西亚·洛尔卡(西班牙)
Elizabeth O’Connor(New Zealand)/伊丽莎白·奥康纳(新西兰)
Artistic Director/艺术总监:
Joseph Graves(USA)/约瑟夫·格雷夫斯(美国)
Xu Siyi(China)/徐思伊(中国)
Light Design/灯光设计
Zhang Nan(China)/张南(中国)
Sound Design/音效设计
Elizabeth O’Connor(New Zealand)/伊丽莎白·奥康纳(新西兰)
Cast(In Order of Appearance)/演员名单(按出场顺序)
Chen Shihui/陈师慧
Liu Yang/刘阳
Fu Han/傅浛
Elizabeth O’Connor/伊丽莎白·奥康纳
Zheng Chaoqun/郑超群
Wife of Leonardo/妻子:
Chen Miaojuan/陈淼娟
Liu Guo/刘果
Little girl/小女孩:
Liu Jie/刘捷
Dralla(Elnur Arkin)/伊丽努尔艾尔肯
Sebastian Li/李实
He Lingyi/何灵意
Young girl/女孩:
Luo Sha/骆莎
Young girl/女孩:
Ren Xuexin/任雪欣
Young man/年轻人:
Wang Shuzhi/王述之
Young man/年轻人:
Xu Siyi/徐思伊
Young man/Woodcutter/年轻人/樵夫:
Young man/Woodcutter/年轻人/樵夫:
Zhao Zhiwen/赵之文
Young man/Moon/年轻人/月亮:
Shu Yuyang/舒昱扬
Han Yaqi/韩雅琦
Wang Yeshi/王叶拾
演出时间: 2011年12月22日-25日,19:30~21:00
演出地点: 蓬蒿剧场(东城区交道口南大街东棉花胡同35号)
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